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Singapore public housing "hdb" resale transactions search

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FAQ & Attribution

What is the source of the data?

Data about transaction prices are based on the Housing & Development Board's resale transactions dataset which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data Licence version 1.0

We are also using's public API, as well as their beautiful maps, which are made available under the same Open Data Licence above.

How updated is the data?

Our current dataset includes transactions from the past eighteen years [2007 to 2025]
New data is ingested on a monthly basis (Usually after the first working day of the month).

Last updated: 1st Feb 2025.

Is there an app for this?

No plans for developing a native app for now. However, there's a pretty neat trick you can use if you access this page frequently:

On iOS, use Safari to access this page, tap the share icon (the square with an arrow pointing up), scroll down the list of actions and select "Add to Home Screen". You'll get an icon and be able to use this just like an app.

On Android, you can do this using Chrome via the Menu icon (the three dots) and selecting "Add to Home Screen".

I have other questions

Please send us an email. We'll love to hear from you! :)